
2006 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China (16th–22nd October)

Characteristics of the H-mode Pedestal in Improved Confinement Scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JET and JT-60U


2003 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia, (7th–11th July)

Microturbulence, Heat, and Particle Fluxes in JET and DIII-D ITB Plasmas with Highly Reversed Magnetic Shear


2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)

Comparison of L-Mode Regimes with Enhanced Confinement by Impurity Seeding in JET and DIII-D


Characteristics of the H-mode Pedestal in Improved Confinement Scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JET and JT-60U


2007 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Kloster Seeon, Germany (8th–10th October)

Status of and Prospects for Advanced Tokamak Regimes from Multi-Machine Comparisons using the ‘International Tokamak Physics Activity’ database


Comparison of L-Mode Regimes with Enhanced Confinement by Impurity Seeding in JET and DIII-D